Posts Tagged ‘ the Crossing ’

Cynic: Back Home

After three flights, Sean, Paul, and I are back in Los Angeles after 20 days in Europe. We left Gothenburg around 6am and landed in L.A. at 7pm–I’ll leave it to you to figure out the time difference. Tymon and Robin cheated and flew to Holland instead. Cynic and crew will spend the next month recharging before going back out on their first ever headlining US tour, which will see them performing Focus and Traced in Air in their entirety and more.

Obviously, I’m a little behind on the tour blog. Between having no internet for the past week, being super busy, my iPhone WordPress app freaking out/losing several of my drafts, and being lazy, I haven’t been able to do much in the way of site updates. Over the next couple of days, I’ll be playing catch-up and posting the second half of the blogs as well as new photo galleries from myself and some friends we met on tour. If I didn’t talk to you but you have some pictures from any of the shows on this tour, feel free to email me and I’ll post them here.

Cynic: Day 10

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Imagine a classic Italian village and you’ll get an idea of where today’s show was. Our driver Tide (pronounced TEE-day) had to maneuver our bus through the incredibly narrow streets and steep hills to find the Mephisto Rock Cafe, where Cynic was supposed to play. After the technical nightmare that was the night before, we were a little worried about going to a tiny venue in a small town, but we were met with a very helpful local crew at what ended up being a pretty cool, club They even found us a new power supply for our lighting controller.

This wine-cellar-turned-metal-club looked more like a cave than a venue, but in a good way. After taking a look around, it was time to load in our gear, which ended up being pretty complicated. After several attempts at getting the bus and trailer through the streets and around the tight corners, we decided to just park at the bottom of the hill and have the local crew shuttle the gear to the club. Continue reading

Cynic: Day 9

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Gorizia, Italy was something of a disaster: it was, at once, one of the best and worst shows of the tour. On one hand, we had so many technical issues that we almost forgot about how ridiculously hot it was; on the other hand, it was a packed venue filled with very excited, passionate fans banging their heads and singing along to every song. Ultimately it was a great night, but the entire day leading up to Cynic’s set was a nightmare.
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Cynic: Day 8

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When I stepped out of the bus and saw the Swiss countryside, I thought we must have stopped somewhere for gas or for our driver to rest. Then I realized the little cafe next to our bus was actually the Bad Bonn.

Before I even had a chance to sit down, the bartender offered me a drink and said that food was on the way. Bad Bonn was quickly becoming my favorite stop on the tour.
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Cynic: Day 7

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I recognized the plaza where The Nachtleben was immediately, having been there almost ten years ago while visiting family here in Frankfurt. I thought it might be fun to come back to Frankfurt, but didn’t expect to actually remember anything.

The venue was basically the basement of a cafe on one of the corners of the plaza, a small room with an even smaller stage and a bar. It was a small place, but seemed to be the premier venue for metal/rock bands. I saw stickers in the dressing room for everyone from Anekdoten to Katatonia, as well as posters and listings for such artists as Dick Dale and Jello Biafra. Continue reading

Cynic: Day 6

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I woke up in Paris to Markus, our tour manager, telling me it was time to load in. Once I stepped outside and saw how nice the weather was in Paris, I forgot about how tired I was and was happy to load in gear first thing in the morning.

The venue, smaller than the one in Lyon, was a pretty cool club–imagine a French version of the Troubadour in L.A. with chandeliers a la the El Rey (where Cynic will be starting their headlining US tour on July 22nd). The techs there were pretty cool and we got everything set up quickly and easily, a first for this tour. During sound check the lighting tech showed me some cool stuff on the three boards I had to work with tonight. Continue reading

Cynic: Day 5

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We arrived in the miserably hot morning for the Lyon Metalfest, the second show of the tour. It wasn’t really any hotter than Toulouse, I suppose, but the venue feeling like a sauna made it seem far worse. Our tour manager nearly fainted while running the merch booth upstairs.

This was Cynic’s second time at this venue. The last time they played there was during their tour with Opeth. Continue reading

Cynic: Day 4

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Today marks the first show of the tour, the Toulouse Metalfest at Le Phare. Alongside Cynic were Gorod, Paradise Lost, Soulfly, and Loudblast, who Sean and Paul toured with in 1994 while still members of Death. This was my first time running lights for the band outside of rehearsal, as well as my first time running lights for a concert, ever. Needless to say, I was a little bit nervous.

Because of the restrictions of the venue, I had to do the lights from the side of the stage, hence the camera angles. It wasn’t too bad, though; that was the view I had at the first few rehearsals, anyway. It was a little hard to hear the band over Sean from
back there, however.

After the initial panic and the communication disaster with the venue’s lighting engineer, we got the show started smoothly. Because it was a festival, the guys only played 40 minutes of their full 90 minute set.

It’s now several hours after the show and we’re back in the bus on our way to gig #2 at the Lyon Metalfest, where Cynic will share the stage with Loudblast again.

Cynic: Day 3

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A typical day off in a death metal band…

Our tour bus wasn’t coming until later that night, so we spent the day wandering around Paris. We made stops at The Eiffel Tower and The Louvre, where we ran into a Cynic fan who recognized them. We stopped and the guys took a picture and talked to him for a bit before we made our way back into the city.

The tour bus showed up at the hotel around 8pm and we started loading in our gear for our first night of driving. After loading in and eating dinner we all piled into what Sean calls the “rolling tomb” and left for the first gig in Toulouse.

Cynic: Day 2

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We landed in Paris after an entire day of travel. Waiting at the baggage claim, we joked that the bass had been lost, but after a few more minutes we started to see the same bags again and we realized the bass was, in fact, missing.

We spoke to a very helpful Air France employee named Olivier who told us that the bass never made it to Paris from our connection in Amsterdam and that it would come on the next flight.

So I stayed behind to pick up the bass while Paul, Sean, and Tymon took the luggage to the hotel. Robin was flying in a couple of hours later, so I waited for him too. Eventually we made our way to the hotel where we all tried to avoid jet lag with some combination of over/under-sleeping.

So now we’re in France with all our gear intact with one more day before the first show.