Archive for the ‘ events ’ Category

Fuck Yeah(No) Fest

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Fuck Yeah Fest was yesterday, and of course I’m still feelin’ it. As with any show/fest/what have you, there were ups and downs. Unfortunately the up was arriving at the show, and the down was everything to follow. I arrived around 1:30 to find $20 parking and a will call line six blocks long. It was a little over 90 degrees and only getting hotter. By the time I got inside, all stages were up and running. The comedy tent was full and the venue had pretty much run out of water. With thousands of visitors, most of whom were too young to wait the forty minutes to get into the beer garden and buy a cup of overpriced PBR, there were bound to be problems. The venue, L.A. Historic National park, was little more than large dirt pit and a few small half-dead patches of grass. Up until the minute the sun went down, the thing to do was find shade, of which there wasn’t much while trying to relax and avoid being hassled by the overwhelming amount of security, park rangers, and local cops (not to mention ghetto birds). Continue reading

First Annual Black Book Sessions (UPDATE: Event coverage)

Those of you kind enough to recall the recent event at Known gallery I mentioned, take note: not only is this another twofer, it’s on the same night as the opening at Known. Best of all, the two are only a few blocks away from each other. This should prove to be an amazing event. Gallery 6ixty6 is hosting a gala of its own, also on the 22nd of this month, the first part of which is a showing by MZK crew, such legendary Los Angeles graffiti artists as TEWSR, and special guests photographer Spencer 14.2.1 and artist Dytch 66.

The second helping of creativity comes in the form of the first annual Blackbook Session, a live drawing exhibit by the artists listed below. For the uninitiated, a black book is a sketch book that graffiti artists regularly use, sometimes for collecting different artists’ works. This could be a chance to go home with a one-of-a-kind creation, guys. The event is sponsored by Copic Markers, a sign that the work will be of the highest quality. As always, bet on me being there, and come say hello.

Details are as follows: Continue reading

Rumble: New works By Pose and KC Ortiz (UPDATE: Event coverage)

Though this show is better known as Rumble, Pose’s new series of works, it actually bears two names, the second of which is Forced Rebellion. The second title refers to a series of new works by photographer KC Ortiz. Through they seem to be advertising them as two separate shows, they have the same opening and running dates. Both artists are also represented by Known Gallery, so I guess they’re just milking every drop they can out of this one.

No matter what the behind-the-scenes madness of this show may or may not entail, I would highly recommend going to this event. If you’re not already familiar with Pose and his amazing works, you can watch him paint here. One better, you can watch him paint and talk about this upcoming show here. I’m not going to get into talking about their works too much, however–we can do that after the show, which I will no doubt be covering. Continue reading

This Weekend in L.A. (mostly)

There’s kind of a lot going on this weekend in and around L.A.

If you feel like you need to see some live music tonight, you have your pick of Mastodon at the Fox Theater in Pomona or Mono at the El Rey. If you’d rather see a movie and save a few bucks, then head over to the New Beverly Cinema: they’re showing a double feature of Small Change and Mississippi Mermaid followed by a midnight screening of Somebody’s Knocking at the Door. The midnight screening is a separate bill, so you’ll have to buy two tickets if you’re planning on watching all three movies (but the midnight show is only $5, so it’s not too bad). Continue reading

Goings On About Town (UPDATE: Event Coverage)

There are two really amazing events going on this weekend, both of which I would recommend. If you play your cards right, it shouldn’t cost more than fifteen bucks to attend both–talk about a recession-buster.

Harry Kim’s Dirty Hands, about the life and art of David Choe, will be showing from tomorrow, April 30th, through May 6th. They even have special early bird prices to save you even more dough. You can check out the film’s trailer here and follow this link to find out when and where it will be shown near you. It’s being put on by Upper Playground, so there should be a lot of other fun to be had in addition to the film.

Also not to be missed is a solo show by Kopye. His art can be seen primarily in the streets of his native Los Angeles as well as freight trains traveling through the U.S. and Canada. Now you’ll be able to see it up close and in a more relaxed environment. The event is being held this Saturday, May 1st at a DBRLA. For more info I would recommend going here. Continue reading

David Choe: Nothing to Declare (UPDATE)

One of my favorite artists in the world, David Choe, has been working his ass off to fill the 8,000 square-foot space that is Lazarides Gallery for his upcoming show, Nothing to Declare, opening the 23rd of this month. If you’re not already familiar with his work, or his incredibly interesting life for that matter, take a look at the trailer for the film Dirty Hands, spotlighting Choe here.

Choe is a true inspiration to me and I’m sure many others. In my opinion, his work is more a documentation of an event or emotion he may have been going through while creating it, not just some cool idea for an image or message he may or may not be trying to convey. There is such raw energy in his pieces; watching footage of him paint drives me to run outside and start getting some work done myself. Choe is a master of the creative mindset, showing his skill in any medium–from spray paint, oils, and watercolor all the way down to his own blood and urine. The following is a statement from the artist regarding the works for his forth coming show: Continue reading

HVW8 presents : Disaster (UPDATE: event coverage)

This Friday, April 9th, The HVW8 Production House presents Disaster. The event is in celebration of the launch of Heel Bruise, the last of the Disaster Magazine publications, and will feature new works by Lance Mountain, Skypage, and Thomas Yu, as well as a book signing. The first few people to grab the book will also receive a Disaster t-shirt, so early arrival is suggested.

Lance, a world-class skateboarder and artist, will be spinning the night’s tunes in addition to showing his work. This is an event that sounds like a lot of fun–I’m sure there will be many other notable artists and skaters, and the fact that it’s sponsored soley by Pabst leads me to believe there might be free beer. Free beer, free admission, and amazing artwork: I don’t know why anyone would stay home that night.

The following is the official statement from HVW8:
Continue reading

RETNA: Desaturated

Tonight is the opening night of RETNA’s solo show at New Image Art Gallery in Los Angeles. RETNA is an amazing L.A.-based graffiti writer representing the well-known MSK/AWR/7TH LETTER crews. For those of you who are not yet familiar with his work, below are some helpful tools to prepare you for tonight’s event.

If any of you make it out to the show, please shoot me an email. I would love to ask you some questions and get my hands on any visual coverage you may have. Continue reading

First look: Murder Construct

After ten years in the making, grindcore supergroup Murder Construct has finally hit the scene. I had the pleasure of speaking with drummer Danny Walker about the group’s first show, which takes place the 27th of this month at The BLVD. Continue reading

The Kings’ War – Tonight in L.A.

Big party tonight in Los Angeles.  The Kings’ War, an all-night event starting at 3pm, will be held at 1018 Santa Fe Ave. in L.A. New works by Graffiti artists XPRESS, BASKO, NUKE, and nearly two dozen other Los Angeles-based artists. It sounds like an event not to be missed. There will also be a poppin’ battle with a cash prize of $200. Unfortunately, I don’t think my choreographed dance to “Chunk Blower” will win, but it might be worth a shot.

$10 at the door. Check out the flyer for more info. Continue reading